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Friday, March 4, 2011

The Alpha's Fall is up for Preorder!

Just thought I would let you all know that The Alpha's Fall, the next book in the Great Wolves of Passion, Alaska is now up for preorder! I know a lot of people don't preorder all the time, but it does help newer authors from what I understand. It gets up the list faster and puts our names in front of people who might not have looked at us twice. Or at least, that is what I have been told, lol.
This time Siren has the short excerpt up already so you can see a tiny little bit:)


Chrissie a.k.a. HoneyB said...

Thank goodness we don't have to wait for the rest of the story!!

Kiera West said...

Well, the whole love story for Noah and Eve is in this one. But the suspense, that will take all the books. I have enjoyed writing these because I get to just concentrate on one guy and Eve. There are scenes with the other guys, but it is about Eve falling for whatever guy is featured. Ethan is just making my heart melt right now as I finish up their book.

Unknown said...

What a fun idea to do a series like this. How'd you come up with the plan to divide it up like you have? I've shared your series with my book club and now we're all waiting for the next book.

Kiera West said...

I wish I could take credit for it, but Siren Publishing is actually who came up with the idea. They wanted to do a serial type of thing because I think they thought that readers would enjoy it. I have really enjoyed it because I get to spend a lot of time with hero and loving that I get to show the romance with that specific guy.
Thank you so much for suggesting me to your book club! I hope you like The Alpha's Fall!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving this pack. When is the next one out.

Kiera West said...

The Alpha's Fall is out now, but Convincing Ethan will be out in late April early May:) I am so glad you are liking the series!

Anonymous said...

I just started reading the series and i'm a little confused.I know "Great Wolves of Passion, Alaska" are about eve and the dillions but what about "Shane"s need" and "Rand's craving"????